Collette Sylvestre, B. Ed., M. Ed.

Collette Sylvestre, founder of Roadmaps for Learning, offers a unique skillset centered on resolving specific learning challenges, which she has developed over 25 years as an Educator and Learning Strategist for K-12 students at public, private and International Baccalaureate schools. She holds a Master of Education in Curriculum, Teaching and Learning from the University of Calgary and a Bachelor of Education from the University of Alberta. Through coaching and role modeling, Collette delivers her expertise to students and parents, on a one-to-one basis, and in small group sessions.  She also works with teachers and school leaders across Alberta as a designer of professional learning with the Alberta Regional  Professional Development Consortium and as a Learning Associate leading Collaborative Response with Jigsaw Learning Inc. . Collette strives to facilitate the removal of barriers for students and works with learning teams to create the optimal environment for each child’s success.

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